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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am having a good day compared to most. Haven't quite heard about the apartment yet, but it will be soon (aka tomorrow). Worked all day, legs feel a LOT better, spilled a drink on me - all over, went grocery shopping after work, and now I'm at home next to the fire drinking my Abualitas. Tomorrow around 11am I will be calling the manager of OD, apparently he wants to talk to me. Good news I hope!!! Should probably go to bed within the hour just so I can be up at 5:45am for work... UGH. lol. But, this is my last week. Super exciting. I am really going to miss most of the people I work with. Just because the company sucks, doesnt mean the employees do. Unless youre talking about the store manager who is a huge bitch who loves to talk behind peoples backs. Can't wait to never see her ass, or lack thereof, again :-D

Goodnight world.

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